I help women stand fully in their power, live their Divine purpose and manifest their dream life!

Are you tired of:

Feeling stressed, overwhelmed and disconnected?

Repeating the same patterns in relationships, career and life in general?

Living in a victim/ lack consciousness and mindset?

Creating your reality from a fear based perspective?

People pleasing and putting everyone else and their feelings before your own?

Giving in to your limiting beliefs that are untrue?

Standing in your own way of success?

Being confused about what your Divine purpose is and how to live it?

Feeling out of control?

Feeling like life is happening to you?

People taking advantage of you?

Feeling ungrounded and unable to self-regulate?

Using coping mechanisms (drugs, alcohol, food, media, etc) in an unhealthy way?

You are ready to:

Be the conscious creator of your life!

Stand firmly in your power with grace and confidence!

Live your Divine purpose and follow your joy!

Manifest the life of your dreams!

Have strong boundaries!

Have clear and effective communication!

Live authentically as your unique expression of YOU!

Live in alignment with your higher purpose!

Foster and develop your unique connection with the Divine!

Integrate success routines!

Deeply know your value and worth!

Integrate your shadow!

Feel grounded and able to self-regulate!

Be in flow with life!

Have abundance!

Choose joy and love over fear!

Hello! I'm Jodi Teresa a Success and Self Mastery Coach, single mom to an amazing little girl, an empath, intuitive and HSP! I have overcome a lot of challenges in my life, which has led to my transformation into the woman I am today.

I used to live in fear, worry, lack/ poverty mindset and I was creating my reality from these subconscious beliefs and thoughts. My marriage was unhealthy, I was stressed, living fear, I felt like life was happening to me, I had zero boundaries and almost no self esteem or respect. I was a habitual people pleaser, putting everyone's needs before my own. I was a control freak and I didn't even realize it. I was deeply angry at myself and the world and I was creating my reality from all of these factors.

When I became aware of my strong connection to the Divine and that I was creating my life whether it was conscious or not, was when my life took a turning point. I began my journey out of victim consciousness and into an empowered consciousness. I became the conscious creator of my reality. I learned how to transform my beliefs and thoughts into those of a growth mindset.

The journey didn't happen overnight of course, it took dedication and commitment and the promise to show up for myself and my daughter. I have taken all of my learnings over the years throughout my journey into becoming my empowered self, living in alignment with my Divine purpose and I now help my clients through the same process. I utilize EFT, hypnosis, TIME techniques, neurolinguistics, shadow work and other powerful tools and techniques.

I have stream lined the process and what took me 10 years can happen for you in a fraction of the time. The only thing you need, is to be ready to commit to do the work! I am your guide and mirror, I utilize tools and techniques to aid in your transformation. Your active participation and commitment to the successful future version of yourself is absolutely key!